A.M.C Auto Services

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Haslemere, United Kingdom

Auto repair shopAuto parts storeCar dealerCar repair and maintenance· Auto repair shop· Auto parts store· Car dealer· Car repair and maintenance service

A.M.C Auto Services Reviews | Rating 5 out of 5 stars (2 reviews)

A.M.C Auto Services is located in Haslemere, United Kingdom on Unit 6, Oldfield Hurstfold Industrial Estate, Fernhurst. A.M.C Auto Services is rated 5 out of 5 in the category auto repair shopauto parts storecar dealercar repair and maintenance in United Kingdom.


Unit 6, Oldfield Hurstfold Industrial Estate, Fernhurst


+44 1428651127


Wheelchair-accessible car parkWheelchair-accessible entrance

Open hours

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Iain Skinner

Andy has serviced and replaced the water pump on our T4 and serviced the 4x4. He is friendly knowledgable and courteous. Although the work on the T4 took a day longer than expected, he kept us informed ensuring there was not a problem.


Andy Simpson

Turned up a long way from home needing a headlight bulb replacing. It was sorted straight away, many thanks!