Asahikawa, Japan
11-1398-2 Miyashitadori
Nice meat and vegetable with reasonable price, but smoking is heavy and with strong smell after dinning.
Since the first time I went to Sapporo a few years ago now I have always enjoyed Jinguskhan, it cost us 4500 Yen each which included all the food we could eat and all the beer or sake we could drink in 90 minutes. It was fantastic, this is when I wish I was cow with 4 stomachs, the service was quite good, the food was fresh and delicious so next time you are in Asahikawa try this restaurant.
가게도 깔끔하고 징기즈칸(양고기)도 양 특유의 냄새 없었어요. 맛도 깔끔하니 한 번쯤 가 볼만한 곳이에요. 직원분들도 친절했습니다. 다음에 다시 홋카이도에 가게 된다면 가고 싶은 곳이에요.
普通のビヤホール。店内は広く二階席もありました。確かにグループでの、利用には向いてます。 料理は、ソーセージなどビールに合うメニューが多いですが、手の込んだ感じはしません。
ジンギスカン、ソーセージ、サラダ 美味しい 店舗の雰囲気も良い。(天井が高くて開放的)
1人でラストオーダー寸前に来店して鉄板焼き頼んだが鉄板が常温ので出てきた 小皿も無く食べずらい ビール1杯で2000円はある意味破格 秋葉原駅前と同じ系列なら残念 もう行かない
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