San Jose Workforce Skills Center is rated 3 out of 5 in the category nonprofit organization management. Read and write reviews about San Jose Workforce Skills Center. San Jose Workforce Skills Center is a California Public Benefit Non Profit Corporation incorporated and operated as Teksol Networks in compliance with the California Corporations Code for non profit corporations According to our bylaws we ask a 200 dollar donation from those who can afford it. No student is allowed to donate more than two hundred dollars. Scholarships are available to those who qualify to cover the costs of books and materials. Scholarship applicants must have demonstrated financial need. We do not accept donations from scholarship recipients. There is a very limited fund to help defray the cost of travel to scholarship recipients on a first come first serve basis. Our mission is to provide the highest possible level of training to the unemployed, underemployed, veterans, the disabled, and disadvantaged persons who desire to gain a better foothold in the job market. We do not discriminate on the basis of anything prohibited by law or ethical reason.
Altufievski Shosse Dom 40
Company size
1-10 employees
Moscow, Moscow