Raumatiimi Yrityspalvelu Osk is located in Pori, Finland on Laakintie 14. Raumatiimi Yrityspalvelu Osk is rated 3 out of 5 in the category information technology and services in Finland. Company was founded 1997 and is owned by its employees. Raumatiimi Yrityspalvelu has professionals in various business sectors. Our main task is to offer our members knowledge and skills to help other businesses. Raumatiimi's main fields of operation are industry-related design and project management tasks, focusing mainly on Satakunta and Southwest regions of Finland. In addition, we offer language translation, advertising services, architectural design of small buildings and ICT-consulting. Our staff is willing to agree on flexible working hours and location. Arrangements can be tailored to suit customer; employees can use either their own or customer's tools or premises. We operate on resource hiring basis, relying on an entrepreneurial attitude. This have led to long-term customer relationships.
Company size
11-50 employees