Zama, Japan
1丁目-255-14 Iriya
I thoroughly enjoyed my lunch today. The staff of 2 were warm and welcoming. It was easy to order as you used the ticket machine to order the food. My husband and I ordered the lunch set which included their shoyu tonkotsu ramen, 3 pieces of gyoza, and a bowl of rice. This meal cost 850 yen. I had a picture of the gyoza, but it was taken after I dropped my phone on the plate so it was a bit of a mess and I didn't want to represent the restaurant negatively with such a bad picture. BROTH: Flavorful, fatty (very good) and rich NOODLES: Thick and cooked to have just the right chewiness TOPPINGS: The spinach tasted fresh and had a nice crunch. The soft boiled egg was perfect! I'm not sure how they made it but it was salted and I really enjoyed it. The pork was tasty, but it was a little chewy. PORTION SIZE: Generous! :) It really filled us up! GYOZA: OK, but there wasn't much filling and the outside noodles seemed to be missing something RICE: High quality rice! It was nice to have as a palette cleanser after such a rich meal, but I could have done without it. Bottom line, this is a great bowl of ramen and I will definitely be back. Without comparing it to other ramen, it's a great bowl and really warms the soul, especially on these cold winter days. If I were to compare it to other places I've eaten, this is not the best, but it's at the top as being one of the best I've ever had. The parking lot is large (shared with other restaurants and the grocery store) and allows for 2 hours of free parking. There is 1 small table inside and about 10 individual stools at the bar. I wouldn't recommend this place for kids only due to the seating, but if they are able to sit on a stool and not fall off, then go for it. Water is free, but they also serve beer and soda (by ticket purchase).
Cheap fast and amazing! Machine you order from is also in English!
座間のドンキホーテ 近くにあるラーメン屋さん。 店内はJAZZが流れていて茶色基調でおしゃれ。 ラーメンは食券買いになります。 つけ麺をオーダー。 スープがサラサラして、味噌汁のように見えます。 つけ麺のスープとしては薄く、私にはコクと旨味を感じられませんでした。 香りは豚骨の薄いツンとした匂いがしました。 麺は、平打ち中細麺で加水率が高いです。 つるっつるっとしています。 スープの持ち上げは少ないです。 チャーシューは薄切りです。 味はたんぱくな感じでした。
美味しい豚骨です。 どれを頼んでも外れ無し。 店内はラーメン屋さんにありがちな小汚なさが無くて開店から結構経っていますが清潔に保たれてます。毎日手抜きをせず清掃をされているのでしょうね。 ラーメンが出てくるのも早いですね。 餃子とライスが付くランチセットがお得です。
和風とんこつチャーシュー麺を注文したら、チャーシュー1枚しか無かった。 そう言う店なのかと思ったけど、ここの画像見てると複数枚あるから、一緒に頼んだミニチャーシュー丼でチャーシュー麺がなかったことにされたっぽい。 提供する前に間違いが無いか食券確認しろ。 週末の夜飯時の19時代で客いない納得な微妙な味と店員レベル。
いつも本当においしいラーメンです️ 食べた達成感が有ります。おいしいラーメンをありがとう
お店が清潔でキレイ 奥さんもマスターも感じ好い 麺が私的にはちょっとだけ残念な感じだけども、ラーメンも担々麺も美味しいし、餃子が綺麗で美味しい! 餃子が美味しいお店って少ないですよね
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