OSH ARABIA ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH & SAFETY TRAINING & CONSULTANCY is rated 3 out of 5 in the category occupational health & safety. Read and write reviews about OSH ARABIA ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH & SAFETY TRAINING & CONSULTANCY. Our message : participate At Improvement & Development Public& Private Sector &Improve the performance of the Quality of Training &Continuous Development, & the creation of better Management Techniques that help boost the ability of its products to compete with Global products With this In Mind We felt our Responsibility to Training & Develop Employees In the Private Sector. From here Came The Idea of TQM Company of External Audit Work &Training to Meet the urgent Need of A minute & See a closer look far for the course of development Renaissance Experienced by the world &Live Around Our Goal is to provide for the certificates of Quality & services Related services internationally Accredited Courses to Increase the effectiveness of staff & provide them with knowledge & skills, Techniques& Strategies that can be used to Improve business growth to a higher level of progress We Aim to provide our customers with the highest Quality training for a very competitive price & this is a simple philosophy the basis of everything we do We are Working with our customers to ensure Training Solutions that meet their needs & Achieve Maximum success in the business world
Alexandria, Alexandria