Maria Elisa Dulay Cacanando
"CREATIVE COMMONS CODES AND CONDUCT",greet a good afternoon"! Formerly a Britist dependent territory,I Maria Elisa Dulay Cacanando,married and a"Britannia".I commissar the head of government department of USSR,release a quo warranto a writ for arrest who are felonies.A quo warranto is a proceeding set in motion to determine the authority by which someone claims an office or privilege.A committee is a secret police of USSR,have a document a non-delinquency,and it is my personal property.A mandatory have a nature,Bakakeng central brgy.,and it is my residence,Philippines is my authority. Republic of the Philippines verify if your minimart is own by authority.Mandataries verify if you visit a Bank titled;Bank,Bank Account,Bank Bill,Bank Charge,Bank Deposit,Bank Discount,Bank Draft,Bankming,Bank Loan,Bank Rate,Bankrupy,Bankruptcy,and Bank Statement.Republic of the Philippines,verify who are placing,corruption,taking brirbe.Compensation includes indirect and direct remuneration as well as gift or favors that are not insubstantial..... Just now i went and brought a small things,and one guy who was an igorots,i am sure that he treat me a"saw sawan".And i responcehim that i am not a sawsawan,i am a commissar,i took out my quo warranto and my chappa.My husband who play sex to an igorota who are a balsamo.