Specialisterne ApS is located in Ballerup, Denmark on Lautruphøj 1 A. Specialisterne ApS is rated 4.5 out of 5 in the category passion for details in Denmark. If this is your first visit to our site, please click on the link below and let us help you find what you are looking for. Otherwise, please select a Specialisterne location from the list, bottom right. You can also visit Specialisterne Foundation or the Specialisterne global website in English. Just follow the links below. […]|Specialisterne Australia helps employers understand, value, and include the unique capabilities of people on the autism spectrum,If this is your first visit to our site, please click on the link below and let us help you find what you are looking for. Otherwise, please select a Specialisterne location from the list, bottom right. You can also visit Specialisterne Foundation or the Specialisterne global website in English. Just follow the links below. […],Specialisterne Australia helps employers understand, value, and include the unique capabilities of people on the autism spectrum|Specialisterne works to enable jobs for people with autism and similar challenges. Specialisterne, which translates from Danish as “The Specialists”, is a socially innovative organization, and one of the first companies in the world with a team of specialized IT business consultants all of whom have a diagnosis on the autism spectrum. The special skill-set that often goes hand-in-hand with autism – attention to detail, strong logical and analytical skills, an above-average ability to concentrate for long periods of time, diligence and zero-fault tolerance – gives our consultants the edge when it comes to a wide range of tasks within the field of IT. It is this kind of skill-set that can be a real asset to your organization. We provide quality business services at competitive rates: services ranging from low-complexity tasks such as data entry to highly complex software testing, QA and development. With Specialisterne consultants, embracing diversity equals smart business.,If this is your first visit to our site, please click on the link below and let us help you find what you are looking for. Otherwise, please select a Specialisterne location from the list, bottom right. You can also visit Specialisterne Foundation or the Specialisterne global website in English. Just follow the links below. […]
Company size
51-200 employees
Wheelchair-accessible entrance