Ministry of Culture - Lebanon is rated 3 out of 5 in the category government administration. Read and write reviews about Ministry of Culture - Lebanon. The Ministry was formed in 1993, originally as part of the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education from which it became a separate entity in August 2000. A new law was passed in October 2008 regarding a re-structuring for the Ministry. It now has responsibility over matters of heritage, antiquities, arts, literature, cultural industries and management of cultural and historical property. The ministry's remit includes various tasks such as planning cultural and sectoral policy, organising and sponsoring literary and artistic affairs, developing the knowledge economy and establishing and co-ordinating expertise. Responsibilities include proposing draft laws and regulations, promoting creativity, research and productivity, promoting innovative products, establishing cultural facilities, archaeological surveys and excavations, preservation and public display of antiques and managing ancient sites. The ministry also supports and facilitates research in cultural fields organizes cultural events and conferences. The Ministry is divided into three units, The Directorate General of Cultural Affairs, The Directorate General of Antiquities and The Joint Administrative Service. It also runs The Baakleen National Library, the General Authority for Museums and the National Higher Institute of Music. It is also attached to the National Committee for Education, Knowledge and Culture.
Madame Curie Street
Company size
1001-5000 employees
Beirut, Not Specified