Trendyship is rated 3 out of 5 in the category apparel & fashion. Read and write reviews about Trendyship. Trendyship is a fashion-centric social network that enables users to discover and search all the apparel items available in their market. On top of each item users will be able to find, vote for and create outfit inspirations through the tagging of their outfit photos with the corresponding apparel items. Trendyship also delivers personalized shop-able fashion feeds (including items, outfits, offers) that are based on the different users’ tastes, closet items, and wishlists. Moreover, Trendyship provides different fashion brands with a solid communication channel where they can reach out to their audience based on their individualized fashion taste. It also provides brands with exclusive access to a pool of top-quality UGC that can be utilized in their different campaigns and promotions. Lastly, Trendyship provides accurate fashion market analytics for brands to get insights into current market trends so that they can plan their new collections accordingly.
Qism El-Nozha, 9 Sayed Zakaria, Sheraton Al Matar, Cairo, Cairo Governorate
Company size
1-10 employees
Cairo, Cairo