Companies on Trustpilot can choose relevant categories to describe their industry, products, or services. All companies in a category are eligible to be best in that category if they’re actively asking for reviews and have received 25 or more reviews in the last 12 months. Some companies on Trustpilot aren’t eligible to be best in a category, and others aren’t on Trustpilot at all.
Nido D'infanzia E Scuola Dell'infanzia San Pietro In Selva
Trustfeed Score 5.0
Lastra a Signa, Italy
No reviews yet.
Be the first to write a review
Scuola Sant'ambrogio Parrocchiale Seregno
Trustfeed Score 4.3
Seregno, Italy
Giusy 24
Perché è un posto noiosi ci sono stata parecchie volte con mio marito e non mi piece affato
Istituto Salesiano Maria Ausiliatrice | Salesiani Trento | Scuola Media E Convitto
Trustfeed Score 4.5
Trento, Italy
Giovanni Cassina
Ottima realtà. I salesiani sempre i migliori.
Fachakademie Für Sozialpädagogik St. Hildegard
Trustfeed Score 2.7
Würzburg, Germany
Várday Kata Református Általános Iskola, Gimnázium És Kollégium
Trustfeed Score 3.0
Bereczky Zsigmond Református Általános Iskola
Dombrád, Hungary
Parts Computer
...ahol a HIT és a TUDÁS egyesül!!!
Szent Efrém Görögkatolikus Óvoda, Általános Iskola És Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
Trustfeed Score 3.7
Debrecen, Hungary
Megyaszai Ferenc
Az új tornacsarnok sajnálatos módon nem készült még el lassan 3 év alatt. Az udvarra nem minden szünetben lehet kimenni és ráadasul semmit sem engedn...
Szerencsi Rákóczi Zsigmond Református Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola És Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
Trustfeed Score 2.5
Berlin, Germany
Paul Sachse
Great school! They showed my 12 year old kid mario judah :)
Evangelische Schule Berlin Zentrum
Trustfeed Score 4.0
Blable Zoush
Evangelische Schule Steglitz
Trustfeed Score 4.6
Ricky Mortynez
Trustfeed Score 2.9
Neuendettelsau, Germany
Nico Müller
Die Zeit dort war die Schlimmste die ich jemals erdulden musste. Lieber bin ich 1000 Jahre lang im ewigen Fegefeuer als eine Minute dort. Das einzig ...
Trustfeed Score 3.5
Ingolstadt, Germany
superiggi xD
Ich geb nur schlechte Bewertung damit meine Schule net so schlecht da steht ich kenn die Schule net mal
Centro Social Paroquial P. Sabastião
Immanuel Lutheran School
Crystal Lake, United States
Karl Storz
We have been a part of the Immanuel Lutheran School family for the past 13 years. I am grateful for the excellent academic education that they provide...
Scuola Dell'infanzia \Minuccia De Corato\
Andria, Italy
Scuola Dell'infanzia S. Giuseppe
Casatenovo, Italy
Oberlin-Seminar (Berufs Fachschule, Fachoberschule
Trustfeed Score 4.9
Frank Fischly
Schön gelegene Schule; freundliches und empathisches Kollegium. Lernmethoden mit interdisziplinärem und interkulturellem Ansatz
Evangelical School Buch
Duda Selke
Eine bessere Schule hätten wir für unseren Sohn nicht finden können...super Erzieher top Lehrer und Lehrerin. ..das Soziale verhalten der Schüler mit...
Szent Imre Katolikus Gimnázium, Általános Iskola, Kollégium És Óvoda - Óvodai Tagintézménye
Trustfeed Score 2.3
Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Bethesda Christian School
Trustfeed Score 4.1
Fort Worth, United States
Veronica Fernandez
My experience with this facility thus far has been not what I expected. While I whole heartedly believe and live by the word of God, this school has g...
Balázs Győző Reformed High School
Miskolc, Hungary
Soup Chicken
Ennek az iskolának az a célja hogy a diákok túlterhelésével, megakadályozzák hogy a diákok ,,ellógjanak az órákról’’ amivel még jobban megutáltatják ...
St. John Lalande Parish
Blue Springs, United States
Serenity UnMasked
Very nice people
St. Joseph Catholic School
Herndon, United States
St. John Francis Regis Parish
Trustfeed Score 4.4
Kansas City, United States
Joseph Jimenez
Great people working to support their community. School works well.
Djk Zentrum
Trustfeed Score 4.2
Münster, Germany
Stefan Trienen
Pleasantly surprised.
Kreuzweg (Walfahrtsweg)
Roetgen, Germany
Torsten Bollen
Jedoch anstrengend hoch zu komnen
Philipp Melanchthon High School
Trustfeed Score 3.6
Meine, Germany
Großerlach, Germany
Tim Montag
die Kinder haben die Veranstaltungen immer geliebt...
Farský Urad
Liptovské Sliače-Stredný Sliač, Slovakia
Kelmės Švč. Mergelės Marijos Ėmimo Į Dangų Bažnyčia
Trustfeed Score 4.7
arta malina
Nice and quait
Watthana, Thailand
Cathedral High School
Los Angeles, United States
Best school ever. Anyone who says no to this school is obviously lazy. Families need to sacrifice more than they have been and send their kids to Cath...
St. Margaret's Episcopal School
San Juan Capistrano, United States
Kyle Else
Visit nearby Cook Park with family and enjoy a wonderful park with basketball, BBQs, and even a few slides for the little ones. Great neighborhood.
Franciscan Szent Angéla Elementary And High School
Martin Frey
állati jók a pénteki focik... :D
Episcopal School Of Acadiana Lafayette Campus
Lafayette, United States
St Pascal Regional Catholic School
St Paul, United States
Alan Collier
The school blew whistles at my 4 year old as well as students of all ages (and it wasn't in a gym class setting either!)
St. John The Baptist School
Jefferson, United States
Crown Of Life Lutheran School
Colleyville, United States
Kristin Hutcheson
Since leaving public school and coming to Crown of Life my girls now LOVE school. The difference was obvious to them. As a 4th and 6th grader they bot...
Blessed Trinity Catholic School
Dane, United States
Pilgrim Lutheran Church And School
Chicago, United States
barbara llewellyn
Our grandchildren received an excellent education here. The small class sizes and the caring staff allow for a program of educational excellence in a ...
Salem Lutheran School
Orange, United States
Sarah Woody
With children in both the preschool and elementary programs at Salem Lutheran School, we can't say enough good things about this total gem of a privat...
Zion Concord Lutheran School
Bensenville, United States
Messiah Lutheran School
Lincoln, United States
Sue Rogers
My daughter has attended preschool for two years at Messiah and will be starting her third year soon. All of the teachers and staff are wonderful with...
Reménység Katolikus Általános Iskola
Budapest, Hungary
Galaxy Wolfie land
Elég pocsék.Nem ajánlom! Bunkó tanárok és beképzelt diákok. Aki 4-es nél rosszabb tanulnó az el is felejtheti hogy ember számba veszik!
Concordia Lutheran School
Farmington Hills, United States
Bekah Hoeft
Christ-centered, small classes, caring atmosphere.
Shrine Catholic Grade School
Royal Oak, United States
Vickie Southworth
We could not have picked a better place for our first grade daughter. The teachers and staff are exemplary and the community of families is more than ...
Casal Parroquial
Santa Coloma de Farners, Spain
St. Clare Of Montefalco Catholic School
Grosse Pointe Park, United States
David Bodien
Welcoming and warm community to encounter and grow in Christ!
Most Blessed Sacrament | Private School
Toledo, United States
George Handel
Nice grounds
St Mary's Catholic Church
Janesville, United States
James Foss
Went through my conversion to Catholicism at this parish. Welcoming people, and a great old building with a lot of history.
Trustfeed Score 4.8
Albuquerque, United States
Denise Saavedra
Very God and family Centered. My Son was welcomed the moment he started in kindergarten. He is currently in the third grade and will be here till the ...
Abundant Life Christian School; A Madison Christian School
Madison, United States
Kyla Jenson
ALCS is an excellent school with caring teachers, exceptional standards, commitment to strong character development and much more. I am constantly ama...
Our Redeemer Lutheran School
Mary D. Breiten
Our Redeemer has been such a blessing to our family. The teachers and staff have been so welcoming and supportive. I couldn't be more confident and co...
St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School
Bryan, United States
Széchenyi István Katolikus Általános Iskola
Trustfeed Score 3.8
Nedilʹna Shkola
Michail Bilanych
Чудова недільна школа греко-католицької парафії Собору св. Івана Хрестителя. Тут відбуваються катехитичні зустрічі, навчання, репетиції і т.д. для па...
Szent Imre Római Katolikus Általános Iskola És Óvoda
Samarskaya Pravoslavnaya Klassicheskaya Gimnaziya
Николай Калашников
В этой гимназии бес придел,директор школы выкидывает телефоны за окно,не даёт детям есть из-за того что нету желетки ,всё учебное время и это правосл...
Ii. Rákóczi Ferenc Katolikus Általános Iskola És Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmény
Gyöngyös, Hungary
St. Jude School
Chattanooga, United States
Lindsey Wilson
They are the most rudest people I have ever met I will never send my child to them.
Bocskai István Református Oktatási Központ
Halásztelek, Hungary
Hunor Hermann
Mi nagyon jó véleménnyel vagyunk az iskolával kapcsolatban, (legalább is a kis iskolát ismerve), ugyanis a 2 részes felvételire ill. a rendre és fegy...
Visontai Kovách László Katolikus Általános Iskola
Trustfeed Score 3.3
Zsolt Balázs
Kíválló iskola.
La Salle College Preparatory
Pasadena, United States
Walter Nicholls
My experience with the school has exceeded expectations. The teachers are all committed to the task of educating the kids. The school provides the chi...
Szent Erzsébet Katolikus Általános Iskola És Óvoda
Trustfeed Score 2.8
Pécel, Hungary
\Медресе Аль-Фатиха\ Московская Мусульманская Воскресная Школа При Мемориальной Мечети
Мухаммад Нуров
Как находится скажите пожалуйста
Debrecen-Banki Reformed Primary School
judit takács
Igényes,barátságos környezetben tanulhatnak a gyerekek.
Református Általános Iskola
Kunhegyes, Hungary
Immaculate Conception School
Killua Zoldyck
This is where BTS played basketball during AHL, lmao. Great landmark for ARMYs
Biai Református Általános Iskola
Biatorbágy, Hungary
Dr. Enyedy Andor Református Általános Iskola
Mezőcsát, Hungary
Church Of St. Sophia
Neo Psichiko, Greece
Giannis Kritikos
Fabulous church! Big welcome area outside the church. Definitely would recommend for wedding!
Holy Trinity School & Preschool
San Pedro, United States
Shannon McGowan
I came to this school as a 3rd grader in 2010. No compassion for students who need extra support AT ALL.
Central Texas Christian School
Temple, United States
Alexandria Rizzo
This School is the BEST thing I'm blessed with.My mom [Shelly] And two awsome brothers [Michael and Sal] who also go they're also a blessing!!!
Voskresnaya Shkola Pri Khrame Marii Yegipetskoy
инна микляева
Занятия по многим направлениям проводят для разного возраста деток, замечательные педагоги детского центра храма Преподобной Марии Египетской
Adácsi Szent Jakab Katolikus Általánosiskola És Sportiskola
Adács, Hungary
โรงเรียนนูรุ้ลอิสลาม (สุเหร่าเขียว) مدرسـة نور الإســلام
Bang Bua Thong District, Thailand
Nooda Dada
Vak Bottyán János Katolikus Műszaki És Közgazdasági Technikum, Gimnázium És Kollégium
Munkácsi Gábor
A központhoz nagyon közel található középiskola.
Móricz Zsigmond Református Kollégium, Gimnázium, Technikum, Általános Iskola És Óvoda
Kisújszállás, Hungary
Márk Mádi
Szent János Katolikus Óvoda, Általános Iskola És Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
Egyek, Hungary
Majosházi Református Általános Iskola
Trustfeed Score 3.2
Majosháza, Hungary
Péter Perényi
Hagyjatok békén kérlek Google.
Franciscan High School, Szentendre
Benedek Lezsák
Tudom ajánlani és közössége nagyon jó, tanárok szimpatikusak.
Szentendrei Református Gimnázium
Szentendre, Hungary
_ Surányi
nagyon jó itt tanulni itt vagyok diák
St. John Of God School
Norwalk, United States
Patrick Almeida
I went to SJOG for 7 years and it's a great school with great staff, I highly recommend. My sisters attended SJOG and graduated from it. They are now ...
Szeberényi Gusztáv Adolf Evangélikus Gimnázium
Trustfeed Score 3.9
Békéscsaba, Hungary
Balázs Zoltán Dogi
Az épületet folyton minimális felújítások alatt, az oktatás minőse jó.
Храм Иконы Божией Матери «Живоносный Источник»
бульба тарасыч
раздавали бесплатно пирожки и календари, было круто
Liska József Katolikus Középiskola
Trustfeed Score 3.4
Jászberény, Hungary
Janos Batho
...én szerettem :)
Holy Rosary Parish
Clinton, United States
Lorri G
The new church is beautiful, Monsignor Brad is a wonderful being. He has been ever so helpful to my family. I can't say enough about his kindness, we ...
Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Catholic School
Riverside, United States
kevin hollandsworth
Under some remodel
Szent György Katolikus Óvoda, Általános Iskola És Alapfokú Művészeti Iskola
Jászalsószentgyörgy, Hungary
Agios Nikolaos Church
Ilioupoli, Greece
Marios Kouklotidis
The artwork inside is very spectacular.
Savio Szent Domonkos Katolikus Iskola
Végegyháza, Hungary
Saint Joseph Academy
San Marcos, United States
Nike Damien
Attended 4-7th grade, 2010-2014ish. Unaddressed bullying and forced social isolation from peers. I'm attending therapy due to trauma from this school.
Nagyboldogasszony Katolikus Általános Iskola És Óvoda
Csanádapáca, Hungary
Saint Michael School
North Andover, United States
Pablo Nunez
This school is the best place to send your children. The education is very good teaches high level math science. the teachers just want to help you. T...
Elyria, United States
Heidi Reichlin
It's a fun school I go there and all the teachers
St. Michael The Archangel Catholic School
Streator, United States
Seton Catholic School
Meadville, United States
Fayetteville, United States
Chisholm Trail Academy
Keene, United States
Pastor Krause
Private Christian School, Seventh-day Adventist. My son and daughter are loving their experience here. Teachers offer an education that is academicall...