daniel zhang
The most famous beach at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA with tender wave, beautiful beach, shallow water, it's ideal place for young kids and family, with water refrigerated fountains available, shower house, you need park your vehicle 1km away from the beach at the designated parking lot(their purpose to protect the shoreline plants), and taking the shuttle bus to the beach, the service closed by 5pm, so if you want to stay longer at beach, you have to walk. The reason you give 4 stars is that there are annoying some kind flies sting on you on the beach, and even while walking from the beach to the parking lots, I stayed on the beach past the last shuttle bus, around 6pm, in the end part of July, it's bits of hassle on this beautiful beach. The near by Marconi beach is better choice if you want to play body board or even surfing, and no sting flies. The beach is one of six beaches operated by Cape Cod National Seashore, if you buy the yearly pass, you can visit all the six beaches, the money well spent. On the northern tip of cape cod, there is Race Point beach, you can watch whale if you are lucky at proper time, but seal is plenty, they are swimming beside you, but beware the shark, they are not after swimmer, but the seal. There are several lighthouses on the island, they give you nice background to take picture and selfies, summer, beach, waves, views, what are you looking for?!