Erice, Italy
Via S. Giovanni, 4
Not for the Church but definitely for the amazing Landscape Don't expect anything special with this Church else you'll be disappointed. But the amazing view on Sicily below is absolutely worth the walk and your time, even if you have few of it in Erice. The view on Riserva Naturale Orientata Monte Cofano (Mount Hood) is stunning, if you have a clear weather of course. So I'd recommend, if you can afford to be flexible with your schedule, to choose a day with a clear weather before climbing to Erice.
This place is beautiful
Kościół św. Jana Chrzciciela jest jednym z kilku kościołów w Erice, położony na obrzeżach miasta. Badania historyczne wskazują na powstanie tego kościoła już w XIV wieku, przeszedł renowację w XV a został powiększony w XVII wieku. Na malowniczym tle góry Cofano, między niebem a morzem wznosi się wysoka kopuła tego pięknego kościoła. Zawiera w swoim wnętrzu cenne rzeźby oraz inne dzieła sztuki. - Church of St. John Baptist is one of several churches in Erice, located on outskirts of city. Historical research indicates the emergence of this church as early as 14th century, it underwent renovation in 15th and was enlarged in the 17th century. On the picturesque background of Cofano mountains, between the sky and sea rises the high dome of this beautiful church. It contains valuable sculptures and other works of art inside.
Bellissima veduta della costa e in lontananza di monte Cofano
Per chi vuole rilassarsi e godere di un ambiente unico è l'ideale!! Luogo splendido! Molto spirituale...
Erice è Fantastica. Se siete in Sicilia è Obbligatoria una visita in questa Stupenda cittadina medievale.
Chiesa a navata unica nella quale si possono ammirare alcune statue di marmo, la più importante di esse è dedicata a San Giovanni Battista e si trova nell' abside. Meraviglioso il panorama su Valderice e sul monte Cofano
Grande chiesa a navata unica, con pregiati reperti storici. Sta subendo il peso del degrado e dell'umidità. Restauro lungo.
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