stefan speyer
Via de Servi is immediately going off the Duomo, and the shop is very small, but a true miracle, including Giovanni Castellana, its owner. Once you entered (you have to ring, like at a jewellery) you enter a film, may be including Georges Simenon, a great pipe smoker, commissaire Maigret, and some others.
What are pipes ? Pipes are like precious animals, having each a life, made of precious wood, related to the place of production, but also (very much) to the place of sale. If you have been a traveller (as I was) and you have a collection of pipes, the pipes are telling stories. Buying a Savinelli Autograph, great luxury and wonderfully made, after September 11 in NY.
Or Peterson pipes, coming from Ireland, lying wonderfully in the hand, with Sterling Silver, robust, very good wood.
Giovanni Castellana is an extraordinary \shy\ person, of an old world, of a miraculous politeness, even as I had to use to some extent English and he was mainly speaking Italian. One of the early times, I bought some Montecristo No. 5, which were remaining, in a small wooden box. He fixed his small label on the box . Now, when I go back to Firenze, every time I take the box with me. Last time \fresh Montecristos\, just arrived (imagine), But you can also by Toscanelli. What a wonderful place !
Over time, I took quite some complicated photographs of the Duomo and the surroundings. Given his kindness, for sure some of photographs should run for him. Gracious !
Come along in March 2019. Two new, fresh Montecristo Number 5. And some fresh photos for Giovanni. He deserves it, for his kindness ! DUOMO ! Already over 42.000 clicks on the photographs, for Giovanni !