Amy Hogg
My family have lived in Guildford since 2016, we were placed into a temporary accommodation flat which at the time was affordable as the rent and council tax was cheaper, the flat was a studio flat, not suitable for a family with young child (at the time) who was very active. When he fell over and split the corner of his mouth open, which cause him to have a small op. I call the council's homelessness prevention officer and she eventually moved us into another flat, which is far too expensive for us, I lost my jobs this year due to covid-19, and we are expected to keep on struggling to live.
I am not the only person that has been placed in yet another temporary accommodation flat, one of our old neighbours and our very good friends, have also been placed into their 2nd temporary accommodation flat, but the council, our housing association nor the local MP care that we are struggling to live, that we are only living on one person's wage.
When you email or phone the council they don't even care, they don't offer any type of help, and when they do give you a DHP payment, they then cancel it and expect you to pay back what they have payed out.
The council tax is FAR TO HIGH, for everyone living in Guildford that are classed as low-income families.
Visitors to Guildford, don't see what the local residents have to put up with, but if they venture out of the town and more towards places like stoke park, then they will see bins over flowing with rubbish and recycling, roads that are in need of repair, the bus services that are over priced and buses that aren't that clean, streets which need to be cleaned up, and the hundreds of homeless druggies and alcoholics sleep not just in the doorways of closed shops, but in the bus station as well.
Guildford town used to be a nice place to visit, but if I was a visitor I'd be on the next train home, some of the high end shops are nice to look around or pass, but there really isn't that much to do.