Kitchener, Canada
225-8 The Boardwalk
+1 5198863121
Kerbside pickupIn-store pick-upIn-store shopping
Wheelchair-accessible car park
Great place to find quality outdoor gear. Good return policy / process. I’ve purchased a lot here (2 winter jackets, sleeping bag, hiking shoes, safari gear and many other items) over the years and will continue to return. It’s a bit pricey, but they carry high quality brands.
The only game in town for a decent, independent outdoor store. Better curated products than MEC, better service than SAIL. Staff always helpful and accommodating and the store is always well organized. If I could change anything, it would be for them to fix their website, which is next to useless. Don’t let that put you off if you haven’t been here before. It’s a treasure trove of good outdoor gear.
Great local outfitter, support local business! Knowledgeable staff, very helpful, good brand selection. Highly recommend
Adventure guide, where to began in this outdoor paradise. Upon entering your greeted by the friendliest of faces guiding you in the vast outdoors world. When an employee aided me with finding a good entry level pair of climbing shoes, he was nothing but the best customer service could offer. As a university student, his youthfulness understood my need for a relatively cheap pair of shoes, while his expertise in climbing made me feel assured I was getting a high quality product. His patience in helping my find a pair, and trying on not one, but three different sizes of shoes made me feel valued. When I had found a pair of climbing shoes that felt like home, I proceeded to stroll around the store and see the vast selection of tents, backpacks, jackets, and their the top-line outdoor gear such as arc‘teryx, patagucci, and northface. When I had later decided to buy a buff for an upcoming tree planting season, I was helped by an older gentleman. Without thought he was able to answer my questions about heat, quality, fabrics, prices, pros & cons, of the wide selection of buffs this store had to offer. Soon enough I felt to was time to leave this paradise and return back to reality, so I proceeded to pay for my gear. The cashier met me with a friendly smile, as the transaction went smoothly. As I walked out the door, i waved goodbye at the friendly staff, hoping I made their day as good as they made mine.
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