3 PORT, informacijski inženiring, d.o.o. is located in Koper, Slovenia on Vojkovo nabrežje 30a. 3 PORT, informacijski inženiring, d.o.o. is rated 4.2 out of 5 in the category information technology and services in Slovenia. The company 3 PORT provides complex and tailor-made solutions entirely adjusted to specific customer needs. Our team of experts and external partners pay particular attention to each individual customer problem. Established in 1989 the company is constantly developing. Currently, we are very active with projects covering the problems in following areas: <IOT> Internet of Things: building specific application solutions for Smart Cities, Smart Buildings, Smart Industry, collecting data, data analysis and managing devices with IoT tools on our innovative Smart Information Platform SMIP (smipcloud.com). <MIS> Municipality Information System: supporting back-office processes with highly effective document management system (DMS), connected with front-office e-business solutions for citizens, supported with GIS based services and tools. < GIS> Geographic Information Systems: development of specific application solutions connecting land data, MIS and DMS data and 24/7 e-services for citizens. <LOG> Logistics: ICT projects for Slovenian Port of Koper for real-time management of operations on Car terminal with over 70000 cars annual turnover. <APP> Apps development: solving customer's specific problems with our mobile e-forms generator. Our long term goal is to connect knowledge from MIS, GIS, LOG and IOT areas into integrated vertical solutions, supporting the vision of Smart Cities and Industry 4.
Vojkovo nabrežje 30a
Company size
11-50 employees