København, Denmark
Sønder Blvd. 131
+45 21262626
Dear readers, Changing my licence to DANISH licence: My story: i had a drivers licence from latin america for a long time, but it's not an EU license, so you cannot drive in europe, that made me start all over again, I found CPH trafikskole, and my experience was AWESOME, the teacher is fantastic and his method is amazing, he was right when he said: “if i send you to a test is because you are ready”, my test was not more than 20 min. and this was because of traffic, the police officer, congratulate me and my teacher, for driving so good, I have to mention, back home people learn to drive without knowing the law, and all the tips that the teacher gave me were fantastic and super usefull. So, if you want to learn, pass and enjoy driving this is the place where you need to go, oh i also need to mention, you learn to drive in a really nice car MERCEDES BENZ. It is a luxury car, and you enjoy every minute of the ride. PLUS A BIG PLUS the teacher is amazingly GOOD Thank you Noveed for this amazing RIDE.
I highly recommend this school and Noveed as a teacher! He does his best and make sure that you are ready before he sends you to the exam. I had a really good experience and recommend you to take your lessons with Noveed if you would like to pass your exam at the first or second try!
I had a very tight deadline to complete my Practical driving test, and came across CPH Trafikskole. To be honest, I didn't think 4 lessons would be enough to pass the test until I met Noveed. He is by far the best Driving Teacher you'll ever meet. He believed in me and was very patient, honest and gave me just the right amount of pressure to pull through. Just within a weeks period, I've managed to complete my Practical test and I'm now a proud owner of a Driving Permit. I highly recommend CPH Trafikskole and Noveed!
Great teacher who teaches very well, takes care of the student, and will send you to the exam only if you're ready. Passed on the first try, and am sure choosing this school had a big hand in that. Thank you.
Der skal ikke herske nogen tvivl om at Cph -Trafikskole har Københavns dygtigste kørelærer! Jeg havde fra start af været uheldig at starte hos en dårlig kørelære, hvilket havde resulteret i at jeg havde spildt over 12.måneder på at få mit kørekort. Efter nogle anbefalinger fra min omgangskreds valgte jeg at give Cph trafik skole en chance, og jeg må ærligt erkende, at det har været det bedste jeg har gjort. Noveed er så dygtig til sit arbejde, virkelig god til at forklarer, og udover at gøre dig dygtig til at køre, så indstiller han dig mentalt klar til køreprøven dagen før, og på dagen, så du kan fuldfører prøven uden stress. Han er en mand med hjertet på rette sted, og sigter efter at dygtiggøre sine elever bedst muligt. Jeg blev færdig på 3 måneder, og kan kun give mine varmeste anbefalinger herfra Kh Sarah
Fantastisk kørelærer! Han er god til at forklare og vejlede. Efter en dårlig erfaring hos en anden køreskole har jeg virkelig haft en god oplevelse her hos cph trafikskole :) Kom gennem teoretisk og praktisk køreprøve i første hug :D Kan kun anbefale denne køreskole.
Virkelig god oplevelse. Noveed er en super god kørelærer, der sørger for at man forstår det hele. Kan kun anbefales.
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