National Smart Ageing Housing Programme is rated 3 out of 5 in the category government administration. Read and write reviews about National Smart Ageing Housing Programme. The National Smart Ageing Housing Programme is a unique collaboration between Local Authorities, the HSE, the Housing Agency, Banks, Care Agencies, Assisted Housing Bodies (AHBs) developers and others.The Programme will showcase a range of different types of housing development, including clustered social and high end private housing schemes, from zero to low, medium and high levels of care - to really smart "own home" adaption programmes. The intention is to address the diverse needs of older people, enabling living at home in the community whilst at the same time delivering other socially important benefits - regenerating and releasing larger family homes onto the market.The housing projects will be measurable and will underpin the objectives in the National Planning Framework 2017 and in the Housing Programme set out under Rebuilding Ireland. The programme aims to optimise the independence, participation and well-being of older adults and meet their strongly held desire to stay living at home, in their own communities. The programme is informed by the findings from the 2016 research report "Housing for Older People - Thinking Ahead" funded by the Department and written by Amarach Research, Ass Professor Ronan Lyons. The demonstrator projects will inform and support the ongoing policy development options for central Government based on the experience and learnings from the demonstrator projects. The Programme has 4 core elements to it the first of which is the largest: 1. Clustered Demonstrators of Smart Ageing Housing Developments 2. Options for supporting people to stay living in their own home and generating evidence of their effectiveness 3. Smart Ageing Housing Roadshows to raise awareness among adults of the need to plan ahead 4. Smart Planning Innovations for making smart ageing housing developments more attractive to developers
Limerick, Limerick