First of all I'd like to introduce myself. I've studied in lyceum 208, mech-math in KNU and KSE on masters program. I have many places on math olympiads and 200 in math school final exam (ЗНО). And this school administration is completely, absolutely... bad guys. It's not a rumor but a fact that here you can find an obstacle to pass that exam that you want if you are not ready to pass it well. For example if you know math on such a level to take a 175 on exam you'd be refused in ability to pass it or you'd be encouraged to pay some fee (I'm free to discuss if it is not truth). Why are they doing this? To be the first in the rating. Is it fair? Definitely not, it's a very dirty cheating. Also if you're the parents and you think that this school requests some knowledge so they give it at least for the great part of pupil, think twice. I had a conversations with some people who have 195-200 and have absolutely no maths understanding, have pretty low perspectives and useless knowledge. Maybe they've found their way but when I'm trying to find those whom I work with, first of all I'm trying to evaluate an ability to think. This lyceum not about thinking but about cheating, time-theft and so on. Be careful in your choice.
Діти цього ліцею вирізняються інтелігентністю, вихованістю, різноманіттям інтересів, жагою до знань. Я б не сказав, що тут важко вчитися (як багато хто скиглить). Просто потрібно бути уважним на уроках, робити домашні завдання (дають в міру) та користуватися мозком. Дуже хороші підручники англійською мовою (цікаво та корисно буде й батькам почитати). Періодично проводяться красиві культурно-масові заходи (концерти, танцювальні та спортивні конкурси, виставки).
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