Maxell Europe Ltd is located in Maidenhead, United Kingdom on Whitebrook Park Lower Cookham Rd. Maxell Europe Ltd is rated 5 out of 5 in the category consumer electronics in United Kingdom. Maxell Europe Ltd have been established in the UK for over 30 years, its head office is located in Maidenhead, Berkshire. Maxell have been the leader, since 1961, in developing and introducing cutting- edge products in the industry. Our business began with dry cell batteries, the origin of the company name "Maxell" was derived from the phrase, "MAXimum capacity dry cELL", which has now become a renowned brand name in superior optical and magnetic memory media products. Since its inception, Maxell has always been devoted to providing our customers with the finest quality products and services through the most advanced technological and innovative ideas. In order to keep pace with ever-changing needs, Maxell will continue to uphold our corporate mission: "Supporting Smart Life, Peace of mind and Cheer Around People" by continuously investing into research and development of unique technology and key products in our fields of expertise.
Whitebrook Park Lower Cookham Rd
Company size
51-200 employees
Maidenhead, Berkshire