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Restaurante \A Caravela\ is located in Moncarapacho, Portugal on EM516 10. Restaurante \A Caravela\ is rated 4.3 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Portugal.
Great typical Portuguese restaurant! Pick from a variety of (mainly meat) dishes during weekdays as part of a great value menu. The service is friendly and food is very good! Don’t expect a fancy decor, but it is worth a visit.
Great bar , friendly staff. Great mixture of people go here.
I LOVE Algarve
Excellent quality honest food. Very reasonably priced. Not full of frills which we liked. Valentyne & his family do a fantastic job, service is friendly., portions enormous! Recommend clams & seafood rice.... We look forward to visiting again & hopefully finishing the rice next time!!!
Great place to eat friendly people and good food
cheap and chilled ambiance
Pleasant enough restaurant, prices quite high for what should really be a cheap eats kind of place.
A popular meeting place for locals and expats alike. Good value food.
Restaurante \A Caravela\
EM516 108700-103 MoncarapachoPortugal
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