Shea Marie
There's something special about Montecatini that really can't be described in words. It's the feeling I get when I walk through the doors and feel a sense of safety, a sense of hope. It's the feeling I get when I talk with my therapist, or meet with my dietitian, where I feel a sense of comfort, a sense of truth. It's the feeling I get when I interact with the other clients, where I feel a sense of connection, a sense of belonging.
I've been to over a dozen treatment centers all over the country. I've never been to one like Montecatini. It's their treatment approach, their mission statement, their philosphy. It's the care and compassion you receive from every person here, from the therapists, to the dietitians, the nurses and the PCT's, the clinical and administrative staff, the Dr's, the cooks, and the other clients.
It's the content and material of the groups, it's the knowledge, education, and personal experience that the staff share with you. It's having a team of people believe in you, even when you can't believe in yourself. It's finding people you can trust, maybe for the first time in your life. It's being listened to, feeling heard.
I've had my eating disorder more than half of my life. I've been labeled chronic, told I was never going to get better, and given up on by so many treatment centers and professionals. Montecatini didn't give up on me. They understand that an eating disorder is a serious disease and are able to separate the disease from the person.
Getting to keep your same treatment team at each level of care from Residential, Partial Hospitalization, and Intensive Outpatient is extremely helpful and gives you the time to build trust and delve into necessary and meaningful work.
I've met a lot of fellow clients who like me, have been to multiple treatment centers, and I often hear the same thing. There's something different about Montecatini. I truly believe miracles are made here. I couldn't be more grateful to this place.