Nutrition & Weight loss Company is rated 3 out of 5 in the category hospital & health care. Read and write reviews about Nutrition & Weight loss Company. The Nutrition & Weight Loss Company method primarily promotes fat burning while supporting muscle retention. Why is muscle retention important? A common consequence of dieting is a loss of muscle ALONG with fat. Muscle burns calories. If you lose muscle while dieting, you will have hindered your ability to burn calories, post-diet. As a result you will be at risk of regaining your lost weight…unless you have learned how to develop better eating habits and employed a protein based diet to lose weight. Protein supports muscle mass and also satisfies the human appetite, unlike carbohydrates (sugar) and fats. Therefore, all of Nutrition & Weight Loss Company food products contain an average of 15+ grams of protein to assist your muscle retention while you shed your excess kilos. Additionally, you will receive a smarter lifestyle education from your personal weight loss coach. The purpose of this education is to assist you in making better, sustainable eating choices after dieting.
Company size
1-10 employees
Nerang, Queensland