Policy Foundation is located in New Delhi, India on F9/8, F 9 St, Block F, Vasant Vihar. Policy Foundation is rated 5 out of 5 in the category corporate office in India. Policy Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit, policy research Think Tank based out of New Delhi. We conduct evidence based cutting edge research responding to the needs of both the policymakers and the key stakeholders. The target segment are the people at the bottom of the pyramid – the disadvantaged and the under-served. Through our in-dept research we primarily focus on Climate Change, Agriculture, Rural Health and Water. We engage in dialogue with policy framers focused on the unmet challenges among the thematic areas of research and advocacy with the objective of influencing policies for greater benefit of the people. The underlying aim is to lift the living standards of the people, and building their resilience. The process strategy begins with community mobilization through which policy action is planned, evaluated by groups on a participatory and sustained basis. The emphasis is on stakeholder empowerment. ‘ENABLING THE FUTURE THROUGH POLICY’
F9/8, F 9 St, Block F, Vasant Vihar
Company size
1-10 employees
New Delhi, Delhi