Beer Pro is rated 3 out of 5 in the category food & beverages. Read and write reviews about Beer Pro. BEER PRO je specializirano podjetje, ki nudi distribucijo raznovrstnih višje kakovostnih znamk piv iz celega sveta. Začeli smo kot prvi slovenski tovrstni distribucijski ponudnik, ki poleg prodaje tudi ozavešča in širi kulturo pitja specialnih piv. Po prvih treh letih uspešnega delovanja se je podjetje uveljavilo kot vodilni specializiran in pooblaščeni uvoznik in distributer kakovostnega piva na območju celotne Slovenije in Balkana za gostinki sektor (Horeca). Zakaj je Beer Pro zaupanja vredno podjetje: 1. DOBRA VIZIJA 2. PROFESIONALEN KADER 3. SVETOVNO ZNANE BLAGOVNE ZNAMKE – specialna piva 4. ZAGOTAVLJANJE KAKOVOSTI 5. UČINKOVITA DOSTAVA 6. PRODAJNA PODPORA 7. PROMOCIJSKA PODPORA Biti vodilni v distribuciji specialnega piva na slovenskem trgu nam pomeni največjo odgovornost do vsake naše stranke. Le rezultati so za nas tisti, ki štejejo. In zadovoljstvo strank ob rezultatih upraviči njihovo zaupanje do našega podjetja. BEER PRO is a Slovenian specialized company that provides distribution of variety of higher-quality beer brands from all around the world. We started as the first Slovenian distributer to offer specialised beers, which means that in addition to selling we are also spreading and making people aware of the culture of beer. After three years of successful operation, the company enforced as leading specialized and representative importer and distributer of quality beers in the area of Slovenia and the Balkans in the HORECA sector. Why is Beer Pro a trusted company?: 1. GOOD VISION 2. PROFESSIONAL STAFF 3. GLOBAL BRANDS – specialized beers 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE 5. EFFECTIVE DELIVERY 6. SALES SUPPORT 7. PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT To be a leading distributer of specialist beers on the Slovenian market means we have a major responsibility towards all our clients. The only results are those that count, and consequently their satisfaction according the results warrants their trust in our company.
Company size
1-10 employees
Nova Gorica, Slovenia