A photographers paradise all year round! In spring make sure to take a photo of the pagoda surrounded by cherry blossoms, in autumn there are plenty of maple trees and nighttime illuminations and in summer one can capture lotus flowers. There is not much public transport around so be prepared to walk a bit, however, there are plenty of other lovely places in the area so it can be combined with a longer sightseeing tour on this side of the town
After visiting Tokyo, Kyoto seemed to me to be a less efficient, more touristy, place. The trains don't run as frequently, making getting around a constant nuisance. This spot, as well as Otagi Nenbutsuji Temple, made the Kyoto leg entirely. I would highly recommend visiting this pond when the Sakura are blooming. You can take boat rides as well, but I did not.
Beautiful pond, left to fend for itself though!
The pond has a nice red bridge and the area around it is like a private wonder land. it is very quiet that you can visit casually.
Nice and calm pond. Not managed well, but it is still good
大沢池は日本最古の人工の林泉で、嵯峨天皇が離宮嵯峨院を造営にあたって唐の洞庭湖を模して造られたそうです。 見学は有料です。
大覚寺の東に広がる大沢池。 平安時代、嵯峨天皇が中国の洞庭湖を模して造らせたという。 中国の瀟湘八景に「洞庭秋月」という景色があるように、秋の月が似合うようだ。 そんな大沢池を詠んだ歌 「大沢の池のけしきは古りゆけどかはらず澄める秋の月かな」(藤原俊成)
大覚寺の境内にありますが、通常は無料で入れます。歩いて一周すると5分ぐらいなので、散歩感覚で回れます。 池の西側にはお堂や多宝塔(?)があり、北東側には百人一首にも出てきた「名古曽の滝」の跡があります。 池の周辺は自然が豊かで、春は桜に新緑、そして秋は紅葉が楽しめます。秋の夜には観月舟も出ますが、人気でなかなか乗れません。 トイレは歩いて3分ぐらいの所にバスターミナルがあり、そこにあります。
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