I8/4 Pakeeza Market|Islamabad, Pakistan
Office 2, Plot 2,
Very best services all equipment are best quality and rates are amazingly cheaper, very helpful staff and special service. Guys just give them a try, they are best doing with love and passions. Thanks for your kind services
I came from USA to visit Northern Areas & to do some mountain climbing, I used outdoor Gear shop for most of my camping & traveling needs. I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of stuff. The staff was nice and helpful. Prices were reasonable, I definitely recommend them and will use them again.
Highly recommend. Rented equipment from here for a camping trip, very economical and the equipment was very high quality, specially the tents were of top-notch quality, mattresses and sleeping bags were really cozy. Even on late return extra charges were waived off.
Highly recommend for outdoor gears, you could find equipment of your choice and range. no compromise on quality. Easily accessible
Outdoor Gear Shop is one shop where you can find almost all the gear that you need to full fill your adventure need. Climbing, Hiking and Trekking equipment's excellent collection. Must Visit..
Their goods are very comfortable and very cost effective . Wheneve I am on a trip , I usually use their services.Best experience with them
its perfect place to buy any outdoor gear for camping and traveling
You guys are doing excellent, keep the good work and continue
The best companies in the category 'Deli'