Palitana, India
Taleti Rd, Taleti
+91 2848252148
Seth Anandji Kalyanji firm is years old and There are many places in India where pilgrims from Jain community donate with great faith Gives in generation And that donation amount is used correctly
For all authentic information about the palitana jain mandir. Very coperative
It's the institute that takes care of the holiness of palitana
Superb, you have to say "the sheth anandji kalyanji ni peddhi"
This trust managing many historical jain tirth. Also providing BHATA service at many Tirths. Now a days the service from the staff has improved. They have even started maintenance work of the temple structure, which is a prerequisite, otherwise it will collapse. Thanks to the trust who are taking initiative to protect Jain historical and worship monuments.
Anandji Kalyanji Trust (Gujarati શેઠ આણંદજી કલ્યાણજી પેઢી) is the largest and the oldest Jain trust, managed by lay Jains, with headquarters at Ahmedabad which manages more than 1200 Jain temples. The original charitable trust is said to have been founded somewhere in decades of 1630–40 AD and is running under name Anandji Kalyanji ni Pedhior Ananadji Kalyanji Trust since decade of 1720.
નેશનલ નવીનીકરણ ઓવરોમાં નેશનલ નેશનલ નૉનખઙૉઑઑઑઑનોધોનોનોનોનનૉનૉઑનૉનોધોનોનોઑઓઑઑનનઞઙનોનૉનોઑનૉઑઓનોનનૉનૉનોનૉનોઑઑઑ નવાઈ નહી કકઙૉઓનિઉન ઇઑઅઑઈ ઇકોનોમી અઑઅંઇ ઑ4%:: નવો ઑર્ગેઓઇઊઓઆૠઑઅઐઇઅઈઇઇઑઓઐવિઑઇ નિઝેશન કોઅઓઅ14/:%%%%/આઑઉઇઐક/tvt5t5ઇઈઅંએઈ545tઓઓઓઈઓઇૠઇઈઆઆઇઓઓ ઈઐઇથોપિયાનો ઓઊઑઇઅઇઈઑઓઓઉઑ ઈઇદીઑનીઈઐઈઈઓઑનવોઑઈઑઑયૉઑઓઓૠઈઓઓનોઅઓઓઓઈઓવઈ//::ઈઇઈઈ નોઇઐૠઐઐઇઈઓઓન!ઙૉઙ નવાઈઈ ઈઓઓઇઐઓઑઑઑઑઅઑઓઑૠઈઓઓઈઓઓઈઇ ઈઑખોઓવોનય
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