Clean R is rated 3 out of 5 in the category environmental services. Read and write reviews about Clean R. Clean R is a Latvian company that specializes in environmental management and in property and plant maintenance in the Baltic region. Clean R is one of the leading companies in its field in Latvia. Clean R is a diversified and responsible specialist in environmental management. We are constantly developing new solutions to meet the needs of environmental management and property and plant maintenance. "Clean R" ir vadošais vides pakalpojumu uzņēmums Latvijā, kas darbojas Rīgā un vairāk kā 10 Latvijas novados un pilsētās. "Clean R" nodrošina sadzīves atkritumu apsaimniekošanu, privāto un publisko īpašumu uzturēšanu, telpu un ēkām piegulošo teritoriju uzkopšana, labiekārtošana, kā arī ceļu un koplietošanas teritoriju tīrīšana. "Clean R" ir 100% Latvijas uzņēmējiem piederošs uzņēmums.
5 Vietalvas street
Company size
1001-5000 employees