Sapporo, Japan
23 Chome-1-14 Kita 6 Jonishi, Chuo Ward,
Recommended to tourists from abroad. You may be able to find unique souvenir to friends back home, such as old kimono, dolls, pottery, even furniture made in Hokkaido. The shop lady told me the shop could collect some high-end items because it located in a area where fairly rich people lived. From my experience, I recommend taking a taxi to get there instead of using public transportation and walking; otherwise, you may get difficulty to find the shop. Tell your taxi driver ‘Triton Sushi Maruyama Restaurant’ locates one block south of the shop. You can also ask a driver to make a phone call to the shop so that kind shop ladies would give direction to the driver. I hope you would enjoy your treasure hunting!
Incredibly fantastic excavation! One of my favorite places to drop in. You might encounter elaborate Japanese crafts with surprisingly low prices. On the flipside, I find western brands sold here a bit expensive.
Their second hand products are not in good conditions and more expensive comparing to other shops in Sapporo.Wasting your time in here.
Cool stuff!
Fun place to look around
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