Schleifreisen, Germany
Am Rasthof 7
+49 36601937675
Good for kidsHigh chairsToilets
Wheelchair-accessible car parkWheelchair-accessible entranceWheelchair-accessible seatingWheelchair-accessible toilet
AlcoholBeerCoffeeLate-night foodSmall plates
One of the worst restaurants I ever seen, they don't talk or answer questions. I was on my way to contact the manager but then I saw the google reviews, most experienced the same situations, so I think not to waste time with this sh...... . One of their response that they never seen a guy who wrote bad review, so I took a selfy with my wife .
Well a bit pricy to be honest...friendly Staff...A super solid 4stars.
Fine pleace for eat
Low quality food served here. It's quite cheap but the place is dirty and not well maintained.
Exactly what I like
Awful food, and a sassy crew. I'm never going there again.
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