MONDU is rated 3 out of 5 in the category creative service & design consultancy. Read and write reviews about MONDU. 吾度視覺藝術設計成立於二零零五年,系由國內外資深設計師建立的一個高端藝術設計平台,我們提倡整合性的藝術設計理念,提供包括:平面(圖形)設計、建築室內(空間)設計、工業造型設計等綜合性概念設計服務。 我们的使命是创造可持续设计,为那些珍视设计力的文化和商业客户提供最佳的品牌体验。 我们汇聚了来自设计、策划、创新等领域的专家,一起为品牌的发展进行跨行业与学科的开发与结合。我们拥抱新想法的同时仍然时刻保佑好奇心。我们善于运用专业的分析能力以及敏锐的洞察力去发现更多的机会。我们重视想法、建议、技能和观点的多样性,能够灵活地处理问题。同时,我们也珍视一些能够真正创造吸引力、利益以及主张的想法与现实。我们永远充满想象力并具有首创精神,从不惧怕担当风险。 我們力求獨立於創新,把理想變為可能,成立至今,“吾度視覺藝術設計”已經為許多國際以及國內公司提供過高品質的整體設計服務。特别是在指路、导视系统解决方案方面,我们有着丰富的经验与非常领先的专业优势。以上海为中心,在全国各大城市完成了包括:世博演艺中心、梅赛德斯文化中心在内的许多国际性场馆、公共建筑、博物馆以及商业综合体的导视系统设计、实施项目。 Established in 2005, the CREATIVE SERVICE & DESIGN CONSULTANCY, Mondu is a high-end creative union with experienced international and Chinese local designers. We provide worldwide in high-end: “Strategy, consulting & Design service.” Our mission is creating sustainable design and deliver optimum brand experiences for cultural and commercial clients whose value the power of design. We embrace ideas and we are curious. We use our skills of analysis and insight to uncover opportunity. We are flexible in our approach and value diversity of opinions, ideas, skills and perspectives. We value truth and ideas that creative affinity, benefit and advocacy. We are imaginative, take initiative and risks in order to creative better results. We connecting well-traveled brand consultants, designers and organizational consultants, connecting the vision of your company to the market at large. Up until today, Mondu has provided various designing services to lots of multi-national companies, including graphic design, interior design, activity scheme and other related services.
Company size
11-50 employees