BBLF is rated 3 out of 5 in the category nonprofit organization management. Read and write reviews about BBLF. The Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum is the business association in Bulgaria promoting the values of corporate social responsibility (CSR). 15 or so years ago CSR was an unknown term in Bulgaria. It was in 1998 when 12 multinational companies and NGOs inspired by the dream of business ethics created the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum. They promised the Prince of Wales and his team at the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF) they would put ethics in the spotlight and would spread the word about transparent profits and long-term vision and sustainability. Now, 16 years later, the BBLF has over 100 members, both Bulgarian and international companies. The BBLF Business Ethics Standard has been accepted by over 1,500 companies, and the Anti-Corruption and Education statements of the Forum have found their right place on the agendas of politicians, businesses and civic society.
42, Slavyanska Str.
Company size
1-10 employees